JNVST Class 6 Result 2023 PDF Download: Check your score and reservation criteria
JNV Result 2023 Class 6 PDF Download: How to Check Online and Offline?
If you are a student who appeared for the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST) for Class 6 admission in April or May 2023, you must be eagerly waiting for your result. The JNV result is a crucial step in the admission process, as it determines whether you are eligible to join one of the prestigious Navodaya Vidyalayas across India. In this article, we will tell you how to check and download your JNV result 2023 class 6 in PDF format, both online and offline.
jnv result 2023 class 6 pdf download
Download Zip: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2F65g6hpGJwv&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AOvVaw3GjUAO0-8ODR2MLlXMxNAj
What is JNV and JNVST?
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) is a system of residential schools run by the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The aim of JNV is to provide quality education to talented students from rural areas, especially those belonging to the weaker sections of society. There are currently 661 JNVs functioning in 28 states and 8 union territories of India.
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST) is an entrance exam conducted by NVS for admission to Class 6 in JNVs. The exam is held once a year, usually in April or May, in two phases. The first phase is for candidates from Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh (except Dibang Valley & Tawang Districts), Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh (except Chamba, Kinnaur, Mandi, Sirmour, Kullu, Lahaul & Spiti and Shimla Districts), Jammu & Kashmir (only for Jammu-I, Jammu-II, Samba & Udhampur), Jharkhand, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tripura, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand & West Bengal (except Darjeeling), Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadar & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Delhi, Lakshadweep and Pudducherry. The second phase is for candidates from the remaining states and districts.
The JNVST is a non-verbal and class-neutral test that consists of three sections: Mental Ability Test (MAT), Arithmetic Test (AT) and Language Test (LT). The total duration of the test is two hours and thirty minutes. The test is conducted in various languages as per the state-wise medium of instruction.
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Why is JNV result important for students?
The JNV result is important for students because it decides their fate for admission to Class 6 in JNVs. Only those students who qualify the JNVST with a minimum cut-off score are eligible to join the Navodaya Vidyalayas. The cut-off score varies from state to state and category to category. The selection list for JNVST result 2023 Class 6 will consider the reservation criteria as per the government norms. This ensures a fair and inclusive selection process.
By getting admission to JNVs, students can avail various benefits such as free boarding and lodging facilities, free textbooks and uniforms, free coaching for competitive exams like NTSE and Olympiads, exposure to co-curricular activities like sports and cultural events, exchange programs with other schools within and outside India etc. Moreover, students can get quality education from well-qualified teachers and mentors who guide them throughout their academic journey.
How to check JNV result 202 3 class 6 online?
To check your JNV result 2023 class 6 online, you need to follow these steps:
Visit the official website of NVS at navodaya.gov.in or the official website of JNVST at nvsadmissionclasssix.in.
On the homepage, click on the link that says "JNVST Result 2023 Class 6" or "JNVST Selection List 2023 Class 6".
You will be redirected to a new page where you have to enter your registration number and date of birth as per your admit card.
Click on the "Submit" button and your result will be displayed on the screen.
You can check your name, roll number, marks, rank and selection status in the result.
You can also download your result in PDF format by clicking on the "Download" or "Print" option.
You are advised to take a printout of your result for future reference.
The JNV result 2023 class 6 online will be available on the official websites only after the declaration of the result by NVS. The tentative date for the announcement of the result is June or July 2023. However, this may change depending on the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors. Therefore, you should keep checking the official websites regularly for any updates.
How to check JNV result 2023 class 6 offline?
If you are unable to check your JNV result 2023 class 6 online due to any reason, you can also check it offline by using any of these alternative methods:
You can visit your nearest JNV or NVS regional office and check the notice board for the selection list. You can also collect a copy of your result from there.
You can contact your district education officer or block education officer and ask them for your result. They will have access to the selection list and can inform you about your status.
You can also wait for the official intimation letter from NVS or JNV that will be sent to your postal address. The letter will contain your result details and instructions for admission.
However, these methods may take some time and may not be very reliable. Therefore, it is better to check your JNV result 2023 class 6 online as soon as possible.
What documents are required for admission after JNV result 2023 class 6?
If you have qualified the JNVST and got selected for admission to Class 6 in JNVs, you need to submit some documents for verification and confirmation of your admission. The documents required are:
JNVST admit cardTo verify your identity and roll number
JNVST result or selection listTo confirm your selection status and rank
Birth certificateTo verify your date of birth and age eligibility
Domicile certificateTo verify your state and district of residence
Caste certificate (if applicable)To verify your category and reservation eligibility
Disability certificate (if applicable)To verify your disability status and special needs
Income certificate (if applicable)To verify your family income and fee exemption eligibility
Transfer certificate from previous schoolTo verify your previous academic record and completion of Class 5
Medical fitness certificateTo verify your health condition and fitness for admission
Passport size photographsTo affix on the admission form and other documents
You need to submit these documents in original along with a set of self-attested photocopies at the time of admission. You also need to fill up an admission form with all the necessary details. You should carry all these documents with you when you report to the allotted JNV for admission.
JNV result 2023 class 6 is a very important milestone for students who aspire to join the Navodaya Vidyalayas. It is a competitive exam that tests their mental ability, arithmetic skills and language proficiency. The result determines their eligibility for admission to Class 6 in JNVs. The result can be checked online or offline by following some simple steps. The students who qualify the JNVST need to submit some documents for admission and report to the allotted JNV. The students who do not qualify the JNVST should not lose hope and try again next year or explore other opportunities. We hope this article has helped you understand how to check and download your JNV result 2023 class 6 in PDF format.
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers related to JNV result 2023 class 6:
Q1. When will the JNV result 2023 class 6 be declared?
A1. The tentative date for the declaration of the JNV result 2023 class 6 is June or July 2023. However, this may change depending on the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors. Therefore, you should keep checking the official websites regularly for any updates.
Q2. How many seats are available for admission to Class 6 in JNVs?
A2. The total number of seats available for admission to Class 6 in JNVs is around 50,000. However, this may vary from year to year depending on the availability of infrastructure and staff in the JNVs.
Q3. What is the reservation policy for admission to Class 6 in JNVs?
A3. The reservation policy for admission to Class 6 in JNVs is as follows:
75% of the seats are reserved for rural candidates.
15% of the seats are reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC) candidates.
7.5% of the seats are reserved for Scheduled Tribe (ST) candidates.
27% of the seats are reserved for Other Backward Classes (OBC) candidates.
3% of the seats are reserved for differently abled candidates.
33% of the seats are reserved for girl candidates.
Q4. What is the fee structure for studying in JNVs?
A4. The fee structure for studying in JNVs is very nominal and affordable. The students do not have to pay any tuition fee, boarding fee, lodging fee, textbook fee or uniform fee. They only have to pay a nominal amount of Rs.600 per month as a maintenance charge. However, this fee is exempted for SC/ST candidates, girl candidates, differently abled candidates and candidates from families whose income is below the poverty line.
Q5. What are the benefits of studying in JNVs?
A5. The benefits of studying in JNVs are manifold. Some of them are:
You can get quality education from well-qualified teachers and mentors who guide you throughout your academic journey.
You can avail free boarding and lodging facilities, free textbooks and uniforms, free coaching for competitive exams like NTSE and Olympiads, exposure to co-curricular activities like sports and cultural events, exchange programs with other schools within and outside India etc.
You can develop your personality, confidence, leadership skills, communication skills, creativity and critical thinking skills by participating in various activities and programs organized by JNVs.
You can become a part of a diverse and inclusive community of students from different backgrounds, cultures, languages and regions of India.
You can get a chance to pursue higher education in reputed institutions like IITs, NITs, AIIMS etc. with the help of scholarships and guidance from JNVs.