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5. Phineas' Birthday Clip-o-Rama!

It's Phineas' birthday and for the special occasion, Ferb puts together a clip show of the gang's favorite moments. Meanwhile, Agent P has to stop Dr. Doofenshmirtz from using his 'non-inator' to pre-empt his brother's biography from appearing on television.

5. Phineas' Birthday Clip-o-Rama!

Phineas wakes up and notices that Ferb's bed is empty, with a note on it. Phineas reads the note, which tells him that he will go on a scavenger hunt. Ferb exits the backyard to go to Irving's house. Once inside, Ferb, Isabella, Irving, Buford, and Baljeet discuss what they will do for Phineas' birthday, and they decide to create a video compilation of his greatest moments. Candace watches them and sees Isabella, Baljeet, and Buford leave, each holding a disc. Candace then makes her way to Isabella's house. At the Flynn-Fletcher home, Phineas reads his first clue.

Phineas walks in his backyard to see all of his friends wishing him a happy birthday. Candace is a few blocks away, running back home. Heinz destroys Perry's remote, but one blast from his own reflects against a mirror, narrowly misses him, and hits one of the legs on his invention, firing it.

Phineas' alarm clock wakes him up and greets him happy birthday. Phineas asks Ferb what they will do today but he notices that Ferb's bed is empty, with a note on it. Phineas reads the note, which tells him that he will go on a scavenger hunt. Phineas then wonders where Ferb is. Ferb, who is in the backyard, dons Perry's fedora and exits the backyard to go to Irving's house. Candace is talking to Stacy about buying Phineas a gift, saying that she doesn't know what to get a boy who builds everything. She then sees Ferb running into Irving's house. Once inside, Ferb, Isabella, Irving, Buford, and Baljeet discuss what they will do for Phineas' birthday. They then decide to create a video compilation of his greatest moments. Candace watches them and sees Isabella, Baljeet, and Buford leave, each holding a disc. Candace decides to bust the boys and makes her way to Isabella's house. Back at the Flynn-Fletcher home, Phineas is reading his first clue: "This birthday excursion will take you afar, you'll find your next clue where the 2x4s are." Phineas starts thinking, but realizes Perry has disappeared.

Back at the party, Linda and Lawrence were disappointed that they missed the video presentation, but the cake was apparently destroyed by wild penguins, and they were at the bakery to get another. Candace runs in with the disc, and tries to show Mom the disc, but Phineas starts a speech, saying that it's not about your personal desires, but having the best family, the best friends, the people he loves, and those who love him right back. Phineas' speech caused most of the audience to get tears in their eyes, including Candace, who immediately sobs out that she simply can't bring herself to bust them, not on Phineas' birthday. Candace asks herself what kind of person she is, and smashes the DVD with the flanch tuner. Phineas answered her by saying she's a great person, and that if he had a nickel for every time she did something nice for him, he wouldn't know what to do with it. Candace tries telling him she didn't get him a present, but Phineas realizes she has a left-handed flanch tuner, and that it was what he wanted. Phineas hugs Candace, tells her she's the best sister ever and she hugs him back. Five cents appear on-screen. Linda then asks who wants cake, and everyone runs for cake while Phineas and Candace are still hugging and goes along and greets Perry. A clown appears about the invitation of Phineas' and leaves, saying that he should have gotten the down payment on the elephants.

Phineas can be seen to believe that Isabella is very cute, to the point of having to recalibrate his "Cute Tracker" to keep it from confusing Isabella for Meap. Phineas has also shown concern for Isabella's safety and rescued her on occasion. He seems to have trouble lying to Isabella; when trying to lie, he rubs or scratches his ear and speaks nervously, yet he casually lies with ease to both Linda and Candace (Although he may not even know he is lying, since these lies are usually caused by the ambiguity of the question). He is shown to not be nervous whenever Isabella asks him to go anywhere with her, and does not seem to be surprised when she hugs or taps him, like when she hugs him from behind or when she momentarily tries to rest her hand on his shoulder. Phineas sometimes appears to be bored while going over the Big Ideas, but when he talks with Isabella, he seems happier ("One Good Scare Ought to Do It!", "Canderemy"). On his birthday Phineas states that he enjoys being around the people he loves while he says this a tear runs down Isabella's face. This may mean that Phineas may like her now as more than a friend ("Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!"). However considering the ambiguity of his usage of "love" it may only mean that he enjoys being with his closest friends ("The Chronicles of Meap", "Gaming the System", "Hide and Seek", "The Beak", "Oh, There You Are, Perry", "Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!", "Last Train to Bustville", "Canderemy"). There are many small points where Phineas shows (or it seems so) affection towards Isabella. For example, while the gang is running through the grand entrance for their Aunt Tiana's wedding, Phineas exclaims, "Looking good Isabella!", however, this may have been just a coincidence as they were running through the grand entrance sequence and Phineas was double checking how things were going. Of course, Phineas had not said anything of the sort to anyone else who was running through the sequence. ("Candace's Big Day") Phineas also worries Isabella will get hurt when giant Buford comes up to her, also when she was stampeded by giant chinchillas and defended her from getting touched by a Mindless Repulsive Pharmacist. ("Gaming the System", "Der Kinderlumper", "Terrifying Tri-State Trilogy of Terror", "Night of the Living Pharmacists") Unlike his other friends, Phineas is willing to put the day's project on hold if Isabella can't take part in it. ("I Scream, You Scream", "Bee Day", "Just Desserts")Phineas may have romantic feelings for Isabella because after Isabella kisses him, he seems surprised but delighted. He then tries to stop Carl from shooting the Amnesia-Inator, by yelling "Wait! Wait! Wait!", possibly because he doesn't want to forget the kiss, wanted to return the feelings, or wanted to tell Isabella something, but he is unsuccessful (Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension).

When Candace was planning her Aunt Tiana's wedding, Phineas said, "I got to have her plan my wedding. Ferb, make a note of it," to which Isabella interrupts with, "I got it," indicating that she intends to one day marry Phineas ("Candace's Big Day"). When Isabella helped create a digital video for Phineas's birthday, she created a digitally edited video for herself with Phineas saying, "We'll-be-together-forever-Isabella" and "Isabella-will-you-marry-me?" ("Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!"). Once when Phineas was talking about showing their faces on comet Kermillian to their grandchildren, Isabella was moved by his mention of "their grandchildren"("Comet Kermillian"). Many of her dreams always end with Phineas asking her to marry him ("Isabella the Hero"). 041b061a72


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