cadworx is quick and easy to set up and use, so design can beginimmediately. the bi-directional links between cadworx and analysisprograms for pipes and vessels enable designers and engineers toeasily share information while keeping the drawings, models, andrelated information continuously synchronized as changes are made.the fast processing and highly refined user-interface features incadworx empower users to work efficiently together, even on largemodels.intergraph cadworx & analysis solutions offerings allow designand engineering to share relevant information seamlessly, therebymaintaining accuracy and improving efficiency. these includecadworx plant design suite, for autocad-based intelligent plantdesign modeling, process schematics and automatic production ofplant design deliverables; cadworx draftpro, a free solution forintelligent 2d design and layout; caesar ii, the worlds mostwidely used pipe stress analysis software; pv elite, for vessel andexchanger design and analysis; tank, for the design and analysis ofoil storage tanks; gt strudl, one of the most trusted, adaptableand fully-integrated structural analysis solutions in the world;and visual vessel design, a comprehensive pressure vessel, shelland tube exchanger, and boiler design and analysis solution.
as a former general manager of computer and electronics, rik liked to share his knowledge. rik's expertise in the field led him to develop software that would make computer and electronic design easier for small businesses. he created cadworx, a tool for engineers to design mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical components and systems.