The Last Straw Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book 3 Download [REPACK]
WE ARE LÖÖÖÖÖDED DIPER! Check out our new Loded Diper merch, now available in tees, hoodies, tanks, and more. ??? Check out the link in our stories, or in the Trevco highlight reel!#wimpykid #diaryofawimpykid #lodeddiper #rodrickheffley #rodrickrules #merch #apparel
The Last Straw Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book 3 Download
Rodrick looks like he's in desperate need of a weekend-long nap on the living room couch...??Artwork by @deadwick_ ??#fanartfriday #fridayfanart #rodrickheffley #lodeddiper #wimpykid #diaryofawimpykid #friday
Fun fact, if you look closely at the cheese holes on each book page, you might see some familiar faces pop up! (Beware of the perils that await you on The Deep End's page...)#wimpykid #diaryofawimpykid #gregheffley #rowleyjefferson #diaryofanawesomefriendlykid #thelonghaul #diperoverlode #rowleyjeffersonsawesomespookystories
Some Tuesday Trivia for those who have read Diper Överlöde. What's the name of the drummer from Rodrick's favorite band, Metallichihuahua? ?#wimpykid #diaryofawimpykid #diperoverlode #rodrickheffley #metallichihuahua #trivia #TriviaTuesday
In case anyone was wondering what "Diper Överlöde" translates to in different languages....???#wimpykid #diaryofawimpykid #diperoverlode #internationaleditions #booktranslations #finland #spain #germany #japan
As part of our website revamp, we have added lots of new and fun facts about the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series! Check out the "About" section at to see how some rough sketches and jokes turned into an international phenomenon. ?#wimpykid #diaryofawimpykid #jeffkinney #books #gregheffley #diperoverlode
New year, new #FanArtFriday! Check out this rockin' @lego concert featuring Löded Diper ???Thank you lady_shed_hunter for sharing your son's awesome work! ???#wimpykid #diaryofawimpykid #lodeddiper #rodrickheffley #diperoverlode #fanart #lego #fridayfanart
Let's get this show on the road ??Gather your crew and rock out to Diary of a #WimpyKid: Rodrick Rules now streaming on Disneyplus #diaryofawimpykid #rodrickrules #rodrickheffley #lodeddiper #gregheffley #disney #disneyplus #nowstreaming #outnow #readytorock
? Text Message: You're invited to...?Watch Diary of a #WimpyKid: Rodrick Rules now on Disneyplus #diaryofawimpykid #rodrickrules #rodrickheffley #partytime #disney #disneyplus #nowstreaming #groupchat
From book to screen, Diary of a #WimpyKid: Rodrick Rules truly ROCKS! For the first time ever, here's Jeff Kinney, author of the bestselling series, reading a passage from the Rodrick Rules book as the iconic party scene plays out in the all-new movie, now streaming only on @disneyplus!#diaryofawimpykid #rodrickrules #rodrickheffley #lodeddiper #gregheffley #jeffkinney #booktoscreen #disney #disneyplus #nowstreaming
The Little Drummer Boy has been a holiday classic for years. We're putting our bid in for the Löded Drummer Boy to become the new seasonal sensation. Are you in? ????#wimpykid #diaryofawimpykid #rodrick #rodrickhefley #lodeddiper #lodeddrummerboy #holiday #classic #seasonal #sensation
Perks of having a big brother ?Diary of a #WimpyKid: Rodrick Rules is now streaming on Disneyplus #diaryofawimpykid #rodrickrules #rodrickheffley #gregheffley #heffleybrothers #disney #disneyplus #nowstreaming #brothers
Winter break is fast-approaching! Here are a few suggestions to keep your household entertained!???#wimpykid #diaryofawimpykid #games #puzzles #winterbreak #cheesetouch #cardgame #boardgame #giftideas
Fan Art Friday: Wimp Yourself Edition ?Thank you to everyone who is having fun with Wimp Yourself on our website. Keep the content coming! #wimpykid #diaryofawimpykid #wimpyourself #charactercreation #fanart #fanartfriday @plww1_ @weirdpersoninweirdworld @gamerrising @itzzz_first_mate @elisostrovski @colladojccd @vibeswithannie_
#tbt to our event in Columbus, OH this year. We miss seeing all of our awesome wimpy fans on the road!#wimpykid #diaryofawimpykid #throwback #throwbackthursday #lodeddiper #diperoverlodetour #columbusoh
Rules to live by ??See what they all are in Diary of a #WimpyKid: Rodrick Rules now streaming on Disneyplus #diaryofawimpykid #rodrickrules #rodrickheffley #lodeddiper #disney #disneyplus #nowstreaming #outnow
We recently revamped our website, with so many new and exciting features including WIMP YOURSELF, where you can design your own wimpy kid characters! Be sure to tag us at @diaryofawimpykid so that we can see what awesome wimpy characters you create! #wimpykid #diaryofawimpykid #lodeddiper #website #newandimproved #wimpyourself #charactercreation
This party is just getting started ?Head on over to @DisneyPlus to stream Diary of a #WimpyKid: Rodrick Rules now!#diaryofawimpykid #rodrickrules #rodrickheffley #gregheffley #rowleyjefferson #lodeddiper #outnow #lodeddiper #disney #disneyplus
??Can You Smell Us Now?? Sing along and see Löded Diper rock out in Diary of a #WimpyKid: Rodrick Rules now streaming on @DisneyPlus! ???#diaryofawimpykid #rodrickrules #rodrickheffley #lodeddiper #canyousmellusnow #disney #disneyplus
Don't miss out on a rockin' good time...?Experience Diary of a #WimpyKid: Rodrick Rules now on @disneyplus #diaryofawimpykid #rodrickrules #rodrickheffley #gregheffley #lodeddiper #nowstreaming #outnow #disney #disneyplus
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw by Jeff Kinney, read by Dan Russell. You know how you're supposed to come up with a list of \"resolutions\" at the beginning of the year to try to make yourself a better person? Well, the problem is, it's not easy for me to think of ways to improve myself, because I'm pretty much one of the best people I know. But Greg's dad has other ideas. He wants Greg to change his wimpy ways, toughen up and enlist in other 'manly' endeavours. And when he threatens to send Greg to military academy, Greg realizes he has to shape up . . . or get shipped out.