Mozilla Firefox 50.1.0 (64-bit)
Thank you for the suggestions, the-edmeister. I followed them and double-checked, but the row of icons remained.Then I completely uninstalled firefox, removed all user data, and started a brand new installation of firefox without login in to any old account. I used default theme, no settings changed, no addons.Still the same row of icons.I tested with or without hardware accelerations.Still a row of icons.A downgrade would likely get rid of them, but in explicitly downloading 50.1.0 in american english 64-bit or just choosing to download the latest you are given which seems to be the same, the row of icons remain.
Mozilla Firefox 50.1.0 (64-bit)
Another test- an updated Windows 7 installation in vmware- Firefox 46- block everything in permissions for a site- just the information icon- firefox updates itself to 47.*, still just the information icon...- firefox finally updates itself to 50.1.0 and restarts- after the restart there is the full row of icons.After these tests I find it more amazing that The-edmeister has not observed the icons and attributes them to a theme or customization. It is obviously a new implemented UI feature.
How do different\u00a0types and implementations of form elements behave in\u00a0HTML5 forms.\nSetup:\nOn\/forms\u00a0we set up a vanilla HTML5 form with different constructions of input and select fields.\u00a0Also we took a\u00a0code\u00a0example of the settings page\u00a0as is now in WordPress coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress., that has a combination of input fields put into a sentence.\u00a0Especially we are interested in how an implicit and an explicit label with an input field works.\nWe asked our test team and volunteers from Twitter to fill out the form elements and report how their assistive technologyAssistive technology Assistive technology is an umbrella term that includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities and also includes the process used in selecting, locating, and using them. Assistive technology promotes greater independence by enabling people to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish, or had great difficulty accomplishing, by providing enhancements to, or changing methods of interacting with, the\u00a0technology needed to accomplish such tasks.\r\rhttps:\/\/\/wiki\/Assistive_technology gives them feedback.\nConclusion is at the end of this post.\nExplicit label:\nFirst name\r\n\nImplicit label:\nMiddle name \r\n \r\n\nImplicit label with for\/id relation:\nLast name \r\n \r\n\nTesters:\nAmanda Rush: Windows , FireFox 50.1.0, NVDA 2016:4\nMallory van Achterberg: Firefox 50 and IE 11 on Windows 7 (64-bit) with Dragon Pro 13.\nL\u00e9onie Watson: Windows 10 desktop, Firefox 50.1 IE11 and Chrome 55, Jaws 18\nEric Wright: Windows laptop running Windows 10, Dragon 15 Professional, Chrome 55\nJeff Collis: Jaws 17, IE 11, Windows 7 desktop\nJohn Sexton: Windows 7 (64bit) Desktop, Supernova 14 & NVDA 2016.4, IE 11\nGabriela Nino de Rivera: Macbook Pro, Safari 10.0.2 , VoiceOver\nShaun Everiss: NVDA 2016.4 firefox 50.2 win7 x86 sp1 pro toshiba sat pro c850 laptop.\nOrlando Metcalf: keyboard testing on Windows 10\nPriyanka Behera:\u00a0keyboard testing on\u00a0Chrome and FireFox\nSirisha\u00a0Gubba:\u00a0keyboard testing\u00a0on FireFox and IE\nLegend\nSupernova didn\u2019t associate the forms grouping text with the form fields.\nNVDA did not read out the group label (legend) \u201c5: I like the following movies\u201d, when tabbing from the previous checkbox \u201cI hate beer\u201d. Where as it does read out the group label (legend) \u201c4: I like the following beers\u201d, when tabbing from the previous radio \u201cCycling\u201d. However, NVDA does read out all labels when using the cursor keys.\nAlso NVDA reads both the group label and first field label in one cursor down or tab action.\nAnother difference is when tabbing Supernova reads all radio button items from each group where as NVDA only reads the first radio button from each group.\nTest 1: Input type=text with implicit and explicit label\nFirst: explicit label and input field linked with for\/id relation\nMiddle: implicit label\nLast: implicit label linked with for\/id relation\nDragon 13 Pro\nThe first set of text boxes: saying \u201cclick edit\u201d or \u201cclick type text\u201d\u00a0highlights all three text inputs.\u00a0Saying \u201cclick first\u201d moves focus to the First Name box. Saying \u201cclick\u00a0last\u201d moves focus to the Last Name box. Saying \u201cclick middle\u201d moves\u00a0focus to the Middle Name box.\nDragon 15 Pro\nRole exposed to all three fields. For the \u201cMiddle\u201d field, the word \u201cmiddle\u201d was the only part of the accessible name exposed to Dragon. For the other three fields, I could set focus by saying \u201cclick Name\u201d or \u201cclick First\u201d \u201cclick Last.\u201d\u00a0However saying \u201cclick name\u201d only offers First Name and Last Name as\u00a0options to choose from.\nNVDA and VoiceOver\nAll input fields work and are\u00a0pronounced well\nSupernova\nSupernova repeated\u00a0form field labels on many of the fields, where NVDA doesn\u2019t. For example Supernova reads out \u201cLast name\u201d, twice when tabbing from the previous field \u201cMiddle name\u201d. Where Supernova only reads out \u201cMiddle name\u201d once after tabbing from the previous field \u201cFirst name\u201d.\nRadio buttons:\nFavourite type of donut: explicit label and input field linked with for\/id relation\nFavourite sport:\u00a0implicit label\nDragon 13 Pro\nRadios: saying \u201cclick radio\u201d offers all radio buttons. Saying \u201cclick\u201dplus the label name of the first 3 radios moves radio selection to that\u00a0control. However saying \u201cclick\u201d plus the label name of the second set\u00a0(running\/walking\/cycling) does nothing; Dragon asks you to please say\nthat again (meaning it does not recognise the command as valid).\nDragon 15 Pro\nCould not set focus by speaking the name of the button, but could set focus and select a button by saying \u201cclick radio.\u201d\nThe other\u00a0screenreader have no problems\nCheckboxes:\nI like the following beers: explicit label and input field linked with for\/id relation\nI like the following movies:\u00a0implicit label\nDragon 13 Pro\nCheckboxes: saying \u201cclick checkbox\u201d offers all checkboxes. Saying\u00a0\u201cclick\u201d plus the label names of the beer options work as expected. It\u00a0does not work with the Sound of Music\/Zombie Apocalypse\/Spongebob\u00a0options.\nDragon 15 Pro\nCould not set focus by speaking the name of the checkbox, but could set focus and select a button by saying \u201cclick checkbox.\u201d\nCombined input fields in a sentence:\nJaws\nThe labels for the questions that consist of two fields (like \u201cRemove content older than\u2026\u201d and \u201cBreak comments into pages with\u2026\u201d\u201d do not read well because of the split over two fields. Perhaps a different field pattern would be more user-friendly?\nUsability remark\nSome elements appear to be conditional based on the selection criteria ( i.e. [ ] Remove content older than [30\u00a0] days ).\nMy initial reaction was the days value could not be changed with the checkbox not selected. This is not the case.\nOther screen readers\nSupernova, VoiceOver and NVDA are able to check, edit and select all fields within this section.\nInput field type=number\nDragon 13 Pro\nNone of the inputs type=numbers were\u00a0focusable\/available, except by using the \u201cpress tab\u201d command to manually\u00a0move keyboard focus to them. Once inside an input type=number, Dragon\ndid not consider it an edit\/dicatable field; the only way to get it to\u00a0add anything is to preface my number with \u201cType\u201d like \u201ctype 5\u201d. I could\u00a0also get it to \u201ctype T\u201d and some other letters however not all letters\u00a0worked. It seemed confused by the input type.\nThis was both on IE and Firefox. I know Firefox understands input\u00a0type=number. I can\u2019t remember if IE 11 does, older versions did not and\u00a0treated them as plain text inputs.\nDragon 15 Pro\nInput 1: \u201cClose comments for old post\u201d.\nCould set focus by saying \u201cclick remove\u201d or \u201cclick checkbox.\u201d\nCouldn\u2019t find a name or role to call to move focus from checkbox to the number input, but was able to move focus by saying \u201cpress tab.\u201d On focus, commands for adjusting increments (press up or down arrow) were apparent.\nAfter clearing the field, entering a number was difficult. I couldn\u2019t say, \u201cnumeral 12\u201d to enter a number, but I could enter a two digit number by sending keypresses. \u201cPress 1\u201d followed by \u201cpress 2.\u201d This was non-intuitive, but quickly adjusting the increment was possible by saying \u201cmove up N\u201d or \u201cmove down N.\u201d\nNVDA\nAccording to NVDA feedback the selects for \u201cremove content older than\u201d and \u201cbreak comments into pages\u201d, NVDA reports these as \u201cedit spin button\u201d, (which I don\u2019t think there\u2019s anything that can be done about without a change to NVDA itself), and I can only arrow up and down through the selections.\nUsing home\/end to navigate to either the lowest or highest options in the selections does not work, and paging up and down through groups of options does not work either. This is probably not a big deal for most things, although it could probably get out of hand and cause some serious frustration if there are a lot of options to go through and the one you want is near the end. Maybe these should be comboboxes instead?\nKeyboard testing\nDifferent browsers have different ways of adding a visible focus, some like in IE\u00a0are hard to see.\nVideos\nBy John Sexton:\/form-test\u00a0Video screen capture of the test using both Supernova and NVDA, each showing the output with just cursor down, tabbing and then filling out the form. The video starts with Supernova using just the cursor down key starting from the heading \u201cThe test form\u201d and then just the tab key, again from the same start point then lastly filling out the form via the keyboard only. It then repeats this in the same way for NVDA.\nConclusion\nAll form elements work with keyboard only, although the visibility of focus differed with each browser.\nExplicit label with label\/id relation works always\nImplicit label works for Supernova, VoiceOver, JAWS and NVDA, but fields can\u2019t be selected by name by Dragon (13 Pro and the latest version 15 Pro)\nImplicit label with label\/id relation works also for Dragon\nCombining input fields in a sentence can confuse less savvy screen reader users\nInput type=number does not work for Dragon (13 Pro and the latest version 15 Pro) and may be\u00a0hard for NVDA.\nFollow up\ninvestigate how and if a legend is noticed\nadditional tests\u00a0implicit with and without label\/id relation for Dragon.\nwe set up a GitHub repo\u00a0and GitHub issue for this.\nTracking ticket: 39441 Improve the Settings API for accessibility and ease of use.\nShare this:TwitterLinkedInFacebookPocket","permalink":"https:\/\/\/accessibility\/2017\/01\/16\/testing-form-functionality-with-different-assistive-technology\/","unixtime":1484565107,"unixtimeModified":1485162495,"entryHeaderMeta":"","linkPages":"","footerEntryMeta":"","tagsRaw":"","tagsArray":[],"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/\/?","hasPrevPost":true,"prevPostTitle":"Summary meeting WPa11y team, November 21 2016","prevPostURL":"https:\/\/\/accessibility\/2016\/11\/22\/summary-meeting-wpa11y-team-november-21-2016\/","hasNextPost":true,"nextPostTitle":"Testing HTML5 type attributes in forms with different browsers and AT","nextPostURL":"https:\/\/\/accessibility\/2017\/02\/13\/testing-html5-type-attributes-in-forms-with-different-browsers-and-at\/","commentsOpen":false,"is_xpost":false,"editURL":null,"postActions":"Post ActionsScrollShortlink","comments":["type":"comment","id":"72617","postID":"12572","postTitleRaw":"Testing form functionality with different assistive technology","cssClasses":"comment byuser comment-author-priyankabehera155 odd alt thread-even depth-1","parentID":"0","contentRaw":"@rianrietveld Thank you for letting me test this. I would like to test more.","contentFiltered":"@rianrietveld Thank you for letting me test this. I would like to test more.\n","permalink":"https:\/\/\/accessibility\/2017\/01\/16\/testing-form-functionality-with-different-assistive-technology\/#comment-72617","unixtime":1484570480,"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/\/?","approved":true,"isTrashed":false,"prevDeleted":"","editURL":null,"depth":1,"commentDropdownActions":"","commentFooterActions":"","commentTrashedActions":"Untrash","mentions":[],"mentionContext":"","commentCreated":1484570480,"hasChildren":false,"userLogin":"priyankabehera155","userNicename":"priyankabehera155","type":"comment","id":"72618","postID":"12572","postTitleRaw":"Testing form functionality with different assistive technology","cssClasses":"comment byuser comment-author-joedolson even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1","parentID":"0","contentRaw":"See Fieldsets that contain a checkbox grouping does not read the legend at times as an open issue on NVDA regarding legends.","contentFiltered":"See Fieldsets that contain a checkbox grouping does not read the legend at times as an open issue on NVDA regarding legends.\n","permalink":"https:\/\/\/accessibility\/2017\/01\/16\/testing-form-functionality-with-different-assistive-technology\/#comment-72618","unixtime":1484590161,"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/\/?","approved":true,"isTrashed":false,"prevDeleted":"","editURL":null,"depth":1,"commentDropdownActions":"","commentFooterActions":"","commentTrashedActions":"Untrash","mentions":[],"mentionContext":"","commentCreated":1484590161,"hasChildren":false,"userLogin":"joedolson","userNicename":"joedolson","type":"comment","id":"72619","postID":"12572","postTitleRaw":"Testing form functionality with different assistive technology","cssClasses":"comment byuser comment-author-rianrietveld bypostauthor odd alt thread-even depth-1","parentID":"0","contentRaw":"Using the fieldset and legend elements by L\u00e9onie Watson https:\/\/\/2016\/07\/22\/using-the-fieldset-and-legend-elements\/","contentFiltered":"Using the fieldset and legend elements by L\u00e9onie Watson https:\/\/\/2016\/07\/22\/using-the-fieldset-and-legend-elements\/\n","permalink":"https:\/\/\/accessibility\/2017\/01\/16\/testing-form-functionality-with-different-assistive-technology\/#comment-72619","unixtime":1484593317,"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/\/?","approved":true,"isTrashed":false,"prevDeleted":"","editURL":null,"depth":1,"commentDropdownActions":"","commentFooterActions":"","commentTrashedActions":"Untrash","mentions":[],"mentionContext":"","commentCreated":1484593317,"hasChildren":false,"userLogin":"rianrietveld","userNicename":"rianrietveld","type":"comment","id":"72620","postID":"12572","postTitleRaw":"Testing form functionality with different assistive technology","cssClasses":"comment byuser comment-author-gab-nino even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1","parentID":"0","contentRaw":"Thank you @rianrietveld for the result summary. Very interesting as always!","contentFiltered":"Thank you @rianrietveld for the result summary. Very interesting as always!\n","permalink":"https:\/\/\/accessibility\/2017\/01\/16\/testing-form-functionality-with-different-assistive-technology\/#comment-72620","unixtime":1486172083,"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/\/?","approved":true,"isTrashed":false,"prevDeleted":"","editURL":null,"depth":1,"commentDropdownActions":"","commentFooterActions":"","commentTrashedActions":"Untrash","mentions":["rianrietveld"],"mentionContext":"","commentCreated":1486172083,"hasChildren":false,"userLogin":"Gab Nino","userNicename":"gab-nino","type":"comment","id":"72623","postID":"12572","postTitleRaw":"Testing form functionality with different assistive technology","cssClasses":"comment byuser comment-author-afercia odd alt depth-2","parentID":"72618","contentRaw":"Reminder: the NVDA issue suggests to don't put anything between the legend and the first field in a fieldset.","contentFiltered":"Reminder: the NVDA issue suggests to don\u2019t put anything between the legend and the first field in a fieldset.\n","permalink":"https:\/\/\/accessibility\/2017\/01\/16\/testing-form-functionality-with-different-assistive-technology\/#comment-72623","unixtime":1487542427,"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/\/?","approved":true,"isTrashed":false,"prevDeleted":"","editURL":null,"depth":2,"commentDropdownActions":"","commentFooterActions":"","commentTrashedActions":"Untrash","mentions":[],"mentionContext":"","commentCreated":1487542427,"hasChildren":false,"userLogin":"afercia","userNicename":"afercia"],"postFormat":"standard","postMeta":"isSticky":false,"postTerms":"category":["label":"User Testing","count":26,"link":"https:\/\/\/accessibility\/category\/user-testing\/","label":"Working Group","count":375,"link":"https:\/\/\/accessibility\/category\/working-group\/"],"post_tag":[],"post_format":[],"pluginData":[],"isPage":false,"mentions":[],"mentionContext":"","isTrashed":false,"userLogin":"rianrietveld","userNicename":"rianrietveld"}]priyankabehera15512:41 pm on January 16, 2017@rianrietveld Thank you for letting me test this. I would like to test more.